Afyon Kocatepe University State Conservatory Turkish Art Music Department carries on its education training activities with its 15 educators, 1 Assoc. Prof., 4 Dr. Asst. Prof., 10 Prelectors. Our primary goals are to protect the culture of Turkish Music, hand down to next generations, contribute to cultural life, to bring up qualified artists. Our graduates can work both as academicians and teachers in institutions that provides music education, and as artists and educators in choirs of TRT and Ministry of Culture, and in various assemblies.

  • Basic Sciences Art Major

As Turkish Art Music Department Basic Sciences Art Major, it is our main aim to bring up withe artists and educators who will serve to our country’s music culture. In this art major, violin, lute, ney, clarinet, classical kemancha, cello, tanbur, rhythm withes and qanun educations can be obtained.

  • Vocal Training Art Major

As Turkish Art Music Department Vocal Training Art Major, it is our main aim to bring up vocalists and vocal educators who will serve to our country’s music culture. Education towards all instruments in the other art major can be obtained in this art major.

12 November 2015, Thursday 15211 kez görüntülendi