According to the definition of High Education Board, Conservatories “are high education institutions that bring up musicians of Music and Stage Arts.” (HEB, 2006:16) Conservatories are in the lead of our institutions which have effects on directing the art education of the country and shaping the culture.

The term Conservatory comes from French “Conservatoire”. It is “Konservatorium” in German, “Conservatorio” in Italian and “Conservatory” in English. The first conservatory in Turkey is called Dâr-ül Elhân (House of Melodies) (established: January 10, 1917) After the proclamation of the republic the name of this institution has been changed to Istanbul Municipality Conservatory. Established after the request of Atatürk, Ankara State Conservatory started teaching on November 1, 1936.

Turkish Music education has a rooted history. Important regulations were made during the Republic period. Conservatory which provides professional music education and in which these leaps and studies focus on and made a big leap forward, are among the most important institutions in formal music education in terms of bringing up professional artists and performers, educators and scientists.

Our conservatory was stablished in 1999, started student admission during the 2001-2002 Academic Year. State Conservatory carries on its activities with 258 students, 55 employees (38 permanent, 7 foreign, 15 substitute), 8 administrative personals.

Educators in Afyon Kocatepe University State Conservatory shares their information and abilities firstly with their students, interest in all the subjects in their fields or their interests, care to bring up the students multidimensional and to communicate effectively with their students, use education and training technologies that are constantly changing and getting bigger every day, are sensitive to the national and international transformations and improvements in the field.

Education duration is 5 years (with the preparatory class) for Turkish Folk Music Department (Instrument Education Art Major and Vocal Training Art Major), 4 years for Turkish Art Music Department (Vocal Training Art Major and Basic Sciences Art Major), Stage Arts Department (Opera Art Major and Choir Art Major) and Music Department (Piano Art Major and Strings Art Major).

10 November 2017, Friday 6540 kez görüntülendi