
Prof. Emel Funda TÜRKMEN


Head of Stage Arts Department

Choir Art Major


She started her music education in Uludağ University Education Faculty Music Teaching Department in 1989. She completed her postgraduate education in Uludağ University Social Sciences Institute in 1999 and carried on doctorate education in Gazi University Education Sciences Institute. She presented her postgraduate thesis titled “Vocal Problems in Anatolian Fine Arts High Schools” with her advisor Prof. İsmail GÖĞÜŞ, and her doctorate titled ” Examination of the Usability of Kütahya Folk Songs as Education Materials in Personal Vocal Training” with her advisor Prof. Suna ÇEVİK.

Working Life

She started working as a music teacher in İçel Mersin Selçuklar Primary School in 1994, carried on in Niğde Atatürk Secondary School in 1995, was accepted in Niğde University Education Faculty Music Teaching Research Assistant examinations on November 1995, returned to music teaching occupation in 2000 and continued to work in Kütahya Azot Primary School. She was assigned as music educator in Kütahya Anatolian Fine Arts High School between 2002-2006, and assigned to Afyon Hüseyin Sümer Primary School in 2006. She started working as a assistant professor in Afyon Kocatepe University State Conservatory in 2009, she received associated professor title in 2013, and professor title in 2018.

Lessons Conducted

Vocal Training, History and Literature of Music, Choir, Vocal Pedagogy, Choir Education and Conductorship, and she also studies with postgraduate and doctorate students.


She has proclamations in national and international scientific assemblies in the field of Music Education, articles in national and international referred journals, books on profession education and Vocal Training.

1) Kütahya Folk Songs from National to Universe

2) Music Articles

3) Music Researches

4) Teaching Methods in Music Education


She participated in various national and international concerts every year regularly with Toddler, Children, Polyphonic and Undergraduate Choirs.

22 December 2015, Tuesday 3194 kez görüntülendi