
Assoc. Prof. Berna Özkut

Head of Opera Art Major


She was born in İzmir in 1974. She graduated from foundation degree in Dokuz Eylül University Buca Education Faculty Music Teaching Department in 1994. She studied in Bülent University Music and Stage Arts Faculty Opera-Singing Department with full scholarship between 1994-1998. She graduated from Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory Opera-Singing Department in 2000. She received a Master class Certificate in the scope of “Musica Riva” festival on August 2000. She graduated from postgraduate education in Dokuz Eylül University Education Sciences Institute in 2003. She graduated from Ege University Social Sciences Institute Postgraduate without thesis programme in 2005. He graduated from Afyon Kocatepe University Social Sciences Institute Proficiency in Art Programme in 2015. She received Associated Professor title in 2018.

Working Life

She worked as a contractual choir member in İzmir State Opera and Ballet in various opera and concerts between 2001-2004. She started working as a Prelector in Afyon Kocatepe University State Conservatory and she continues her studies as an associated professor in the same institution.

Lessons Conducted

Vocal Training, Singing Repertoire Accompaniment, Make up, dissertation concert project, Opera / Choir Literature


She has proclamations in national and international congress and symposiums.


Alongside her national concerts, she participated in international concert activities within Ramadan Activities in Hamm city of Germany.

22 December 2015, Tuesday 3924 kez görüntülendi